You’re a Super Successful Baddie Who, for Some Reason, Still Has a Deep Belief that You’re Not Cut Out for This.
As a leader or entrepreneur, you’ve got it all going on. At least, that’s what it looks like from the outside.
But your brain tells you a different story. Like, you need more training to be good enough. Or, you have to show up a certain way to get taken seriously. You don’t think you’re really cutting it, so you have to work harder. Overdeliver.
Hell no, my friend. Hell No. This BS Ends Now.
Remember When You Knew Beyond a Shadow of a Doubt That Everything Was Possible?
Your body used to tingle head to toe with a bone deep sense of awe, even though your apartment was a shoe box and you got paid peanuts.
… And even if you gave a flying f$@k what other people thought, you put it out of your head and went on your unstoppable way.
You walked into the day with absolute swagger, knowing you were one of the smartest and most talented people in the room…
You had a clear vision of how your life was going to turn out, and there was no question that it was going to go that way. Not a single doubt.
When did the answers to “How are you?” become
“I’m so busy” or worse: “I’m just exhausted.
You know...Life”?
Is that enough for you? Living one step away from a midlife crisis? Fantasizing about getting in the car and driving until no one knows where you are?
OK, so life chipped away at your vision. The world got its tentacles into you. The self-doubting thoughts you used to hush up started to get loud.
Don’t Worry, Sister. Your Inner, Highest Self Isn’t Far Away, and We’re Going to Put Her Back in Charge.
I'm Laura
Advertising Veteran Turned Imposter Syndrome Conqueror.
When I was 27 years old, I moved to Chicago to accept a job at theeeee world's top advertising agency. I couldn’t believe I’d been hired. I would take the C22 bus every day from my tiny vintage style apartment in trendy Lincoln Park.
Just as the bus rumbled over the Clark Street bridge, the agency skyscraper would loom over me and every single day, I would gaze up at it with awe and think, “I’m really here”.
Life was amazement. Everything was possible. There was no question that the future I envisioned was on its way to me.
But as time went on, I let things on the outside mean something about me on the inside. Performance reviews, toxic culture - pretty soon, I was pushing myself, struggling, and missing out on a whole lot of life while I tried to outrun Imposter Syndrome by working harder and pushing myself further.
Because the Universe delivers, I discovered a coach who showed me that I was the problem - and that I was also the solution. I learned I could steer my ship in directions I never saw possible (hello, leaving corporate and starting my own company?), because I vanquished Imposter Syndrome and became my best badass self.
And that's how I know that you can, too.
There are 2 main reasons personal growth doesn't work- It's not because of you.
Maybe we have some things in common. Daring Greatly is your bible. Super Soul Sunday is your church. You’re inspired by Mel Robbins on your daily commute.
With all that work, there are days you feel unstoppable. Then it’s 3 steps back. It can feel like you’ll never make it to the top of the mountain that you’ve been climbing for too many years.
these are the 2 main reasons why personal growth doesn’t stick.
It’s usually done in a silo. Since you’re the sum of the 5 people you spend the most time with, you keep getting pulled back into status-quo quicksand.
Most growth work is focused on “mindset shifts” or “affirmations,” which are just more surface level changes disguised as deep inner work. “A-ha moments” can’t carry you through the “Oh, shit” moments - so nothing changes.
I’ve designed this experience to do so much more than “shift your mindset”
or help you
“develop your personal leadership style.”
This group coaching experience is designed to activate and rewire your identity to become and embody the woman who shows up and slays dragons.
Even If You’ve Done SO MUCH Personal Development, This Experience is the Work That Will Crack the Code.
What does a limitless life look like?
No one knows but you & your unstoppable highest self...but check out a glimpse of
what’s possible for you.
You know to the last drop of marrow in your bones that you deserve your seat at the table, and more.
Anxiety, stress, and self-doubt (AKA Nervous System) are no longer dragging you back down to the same old, same old. You’re rewired to eat fear for breakfast.
You take control of your health, your body, and your well-being first, before anything else, because you are madly in love with you.
Your legendary life
When was the last time you just dreamed as big as your imagination would let you? So many women come to me, practically whispering that they just might like to do something else, but they don’t know what it is. If you want to get out of mosquito-infested, algae-covered stagnant water, you need a vision that can take on an ocean. Let’s make a vision that moves you to tears.
Time machine
Raise your hand if you’re living from the neck up. Our big, gorgeous brilliant brains got us this far, double high fives! Full stop: That brain can’t take us any further unless it is in service of the body. Read it again: It’s time to embody the woman who will take you to places beyond your wildest dreams. Learn the secrets to the kind of total, grounded presence that slows down time.
We work with 4 main archetypes living within us, like a dysfunctional family that love each other but also don’t always know how to function in the same space. The house needs a Sovereign who can bring peace and prosperity to the kingdom - and that’s where you come in. You will master the alchemy of turning destructive archetypes to powerful allies. Abra-cadabra!
You want your boss to value you? You want your customers to pay you the value of your work? You want your partner to step up and love you right? Sister, you are only going to get what you give - to yourself. If you’ve been wondering where this self-imposed glass ceiling came from, here’s where we smash it. All the love. All the badassery. Watch the world suddenly scramble to please you instead of the other way around.
Imagine you’re running a race. You start out with fresh legs. You’re feeling good. Then someone hands you a brick to carry. No problem. Annoying, but you’re running to the finish line. But here’s another brick. And another. How’s that race going now? Your emotions are like those bricks. The more you carry them without moving them through, the more you weigh yourself down. Master the simple but proven practices that will help you lighten up and fly.
I know you think you own your shit. I know you think you’re radically responsible and not a victim. I am going to get on this soapbox and tell you this (then I’m gonna hop off and hug you, with consent): If you were 100% totally, completely owning your shit, you wouldn’t be stuck. The end. There is no other way. The good news? When you own your shit, you’re in complete control of your destiny. Remember the “anything’s possible” feeling? It’s baaaaccck.
Remember that Imposter Syndrome you kinda thought you might be suffering from? This is where you vanquish it like Linda Blair’s demon in The Exorcist (and sometimes it’s that messy, but we are here to clean up your pea soup moment). Wouldn’t you LOVE to be able to quiet the doubt that makes you work more, charge less, stay quiet, and suffer through discomfort to avoid rocking the boat? Yes, yes you would.
By now, you have stepped into who you are. I mean the real you, the one that is trembling with gratitude every single day for what you’ve created. You’ve bravely shown yourself that you can go past your comfort zone without getting pulled back into the swamp. We’ll harness the new belief system that got you here, like a Dave and Buster’s bucking bronco, so you can keep on becoming what you believe.
What's included?
8 X MIND BLOWING, NEURO-REWIRING PRACTICES CALLS Our 60-90 minute Zoom calls will deliver not just the information but the practices to activate the badass identity that will shatter your limits. The magic is in the practice. Goodbye, affirmations. Hello, embodiment.
WEEKLY GUIDES Research shows that writing can lead to retention rates of up to 75% over time, compared to lower retention rates for methods like reading (10%) or listening (20%). Let’s make the most of science and make those “aha” moments stick around.
PRIVATE FB COMMUNITY Did you know that when a bunch of crabs are in a bucket, they will literally pull down any crab that tries to escape? Take that in for a second. Makes a bit of sense why it’s so hard to escape your personal bucket of crabs, doesn’t it? That’s why it’s absolutely crucial that you sink - every single day - into a community of women that are determined for each and every one of us to rise.
8 X INTEGRATION CALLS The biggest reason personal development fails is because yes, you elevate yourself, but you’re in a silo. During our integration calls, you’ll be masterfully coached out of the same BS that has kept you stagnant. You’ll absorb the breakthroughs of your kindred spirit women, multiplying your growth exponentially.
LIFETIME ACCESS Each time we go on a personal growth journey, we evolve. Even if we do the same work from a different view, the work changes. You’ll have lifetime access to all our content for the moment that your current idea of LIMITLESS …. Becomes a limit. Welcome to LIMITLESS. . . forever.
A beautifully curated box of love in snail mail (I am the best gift giver EVER)
Guided Meditations
Live Pop-Up Trainings
Custom Created Playlists
You know you’re ready to meet your people and evolve.
There’s only one thing you can invest in that will change everything:
You. Limitless you.
Get ready for a transformation that will pay you back in:
Promotions. More clients. A more lucrative career. Higher fees. Most importantly, hours of your life that are juicy, delicious, and YOURS.
Who Am I to Offer This Kind of Transformation?
The mission of my company is to help women take back the power that they were born with through masterful coaching and magical community.
I believe in practice over information, and total identity reclamation (and evolution) over one-off ah-ha moments that don’t pan out.
Although I did cure myself of Imposter Syndrome after 25+ years in a corporate environment where I never felt good enough, that’s not enough to guide others.
I am a Certified Professional Life Coach through the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching - an intensive program that is recognized by the International Coach Federation. It’s a rigorous, intensive program with high standards and full practicum. I also hold a PCC level (Professional Certified Coach) designation, meaning I have a shit ton of experience to bring to you.
I claim my expertise and experience because we all should own our greatness, and also because my company doesn’t mess around with our clients. We believe in offering only the best of the coaching profession.
What Does it Mean
Limitless /adj/: Without end, limit, or boundary.
A LIMITLESS woman is the captain of her own ship. She is the indisputable queen of her realm.
A LIMITLESS woman is blind to obstacles. Her full range of feelings - love, rage, fear, sadness, glory, exhilaration, awe, joy, fulfillment - are the fuel that power her kingdom.
The LIMITLESS woman is connected to everything and attached to nothing, allowing her to move from her highest power.
She is fierce, she is deep, she is present, grounded, aware, magnetic, and free from self-doubt.
She is within you, and just a commitment away.
Let her steer the ship.
Don’t miss another moment of magic in your beautiful life.
It’s right here. It’s all yours.
WHAT IS THE CALL SCHEDULE? We kick off the week of July 29, 2024, and meet every Tuesday from 11:30am - 1:00pm EDT. I take exquisite care of my students, so all the details and a calendar that you can download will be sent once you sign up. The program wraps up November 15, 2024.
IS THIS RIGHT FOR ME IF… √ I am a mom √ I am an entrepreneur √ I work at a not for profit √ I am a teacher/educator √ I identify as a woman but was born differently √ I am retired/I am in between jobs Let me say this: If you are a woman, and you know you are meant for more than the stagnant pond you are in right now, this is for you. Hard stop.
DO I HAVE TO BE LIVE ON THE CALLS? ARE THEY RECORDED? Calls will be recorded and you will have lifetime access to them. As with any personal development experience, you will get the most transformation from this program by showing up live.
WHAT’S THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THIS AND ALL THE OTHER PROGRAMS OUT THERE? This is the difference between knowing and doing. The magic is in the practice, and the community. No other program will put radical control of your destiny in your own hands. In LIMITLESS, we change the common denominator - the inside of you - so everything outside of you can change.
DO YOU OFFER PAYMENT PLANS? Yes, a 3 month payment plan is offered. Also, check out the "pay later" options at checkout. PayPal offers pay over time options, and there are others you can apply for at checkout. You’re worth it. Don’t let cost hold you back - contact me for a conversation
HOW MUCH TIME DO I HAVE TO DEDICATE EVERY WEEK? The equation is up to you: - 90 minutes for our group transformational meetings - 30-60 minutes of growth work assignments - 15 minutes of community engagement (or however much time you choose!) … Whatever magic you bring to it!
WHAT IF I FALL BEHIND? Don’t. We cover owning your shit, and showing up is owning your shit. This is your investment, it’s your life. Your sisters here want you to RISE so they can rise with you. You’ll stay with us because you’ll have to. Also, I’m not afraid of you. I’m a master of holding you accountable and helping you practice no excuses.
DO YOU OFFER REFUNDS? Refunds are not offered, as digital products and proprietary content is delivered upon registration. Space is limited; like most retreat centers, once your spot is reserved, I can’t fill it or open it to someone else.